Central Assembly Discipleship Ministries 

Making Disciples who Make Disciples..

The Road to Maturity- ReCES


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The Road to Maturity

Reach, Connect, Equip and Send

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The Road to Maturity- ReCES



We have simplified these steps on the Road to Maturity by teaching the process this way:  Reach, Connect, Equip, Send     (ReCES)


A similar four-stage approach has been popularly used in some Latin American discipleship movements, and despite the many differences between our practical model and theirs, we found that simplicity in terminology is well-advised.  We describe it this way:



We win the lost with tools like:

Cell groups

Personal Evangelism

“Nets” (smaller events designed to attract non-Christians. Block parties, community outreaches, etc.)

Special Services, Musicals, and Outreaches at the main campus

Prayer and Evangelism (A planned program whereby small groups intercede over specifically targeted unsaved names for a designated time period, and thereafter they aggressively reach out to them.)



Become connected to a cell and a cell pastor

Pre Encounter Class

Encounter Retreat

Post Encounter Class





The School of Leaders

Church attendance

Accountability to personal pastor

Sharing their faith boldly




Cell multiplication-Starting a cell of your own

Assisting another leader in a new cell plant

Beginning new ministries and outreaches

Missionary trips- Long and short term

Church Planting  



The Central Assembly website can be found at www.centralassembly.com.  There you can learn more about the church and listen to messages.

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