Central Assembly Discipleship Ministries
Making Disciples who Make Disciples..
The Encounter Weekend

The Encounter Weekend
What is an Encounter?
The Encounter is a three-day retreat we utilize at Central Assembly as part of our overall vision to “make disciples who make disciples.” It is one of the steps in our “Road to Maturity” vision.
The Retreat is typically held at least one hour away from Vero Beach in order to be away from work, home and distractions. It must be a place where people can spend three uninterrupted days together seeking God in a properly prepared spiritual atmosphere.
Who is a good
candidate for an Encounter?
Typically, a good candidate for an Encounter Retreat is someone who:
- Is regularly attending your cell
- Has begun to attend our church
- Is willing to go, and willing to attend Pre and Post Encounter classes
Someone who is not relationally connected to you and is unfamiliar with our church is NOT a good candidate. The Encounter is not the place to introduce people to Central!
Those who presently attend other churches also are NOT good candidates. It is not our task to influence or proselytize people from other Christian churches. Just was we don’t encourage you to invite them to your cell, we do not encourage them to come to Encounters.
How do I send someone on Encounter?
Acceptance is not automatic. Along with space availability, factors such as readiness and a candidates qualifications factor into the acceptance decision. The overall event chemistry and possible relationship conflicts must also be considered by the Encounter team leader.
Applications must be either made online (form below) or a written application may be given to the Encounter leader. It’s important that we get all the required information and learn a little bit about the candidate. Have they made a profession of faith? Are they regularly attending your cell? Why do you believe this person is good candidate for the Encounter?