Central Assembly Discipleship Ministries
Making Disciples who Make Disciples..
The Post Encounter Class

The Road to Maturity- Step 4
Step 4
Post Encounter Class
This class
continues to lay important foundations in the life
of the believer. It lasts 8 weeks and also happens
at the church during the Sunday School hour.
Week 1 How to be an Overcomer Overcoming Lust and Pride, temptations. Retaining the gains made at the Encounter. Week 2 Social Life after Encountering God Ending old and making new relationships. Week 3 Guarding our Hearts; Choosing Music and Media, Making godly choices. Week 4 Love for the Word How to Study, Understand and Apply the Word of God Week 5 The Power of Praise How and why we Praise and Worship. Week 6 What is the Church The Body of Christ, The Ekklesia; The Called out Ones. Week 7 Knowing Gods Will Prayer, Study, Counsel, Observe. Week 8 Living a Positive Faith (Positive in Speech, Actions, Thinking and Prayers.) |